Services Cluster

The Services Cluster contains the Automotive Technology, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts & Hospitality, and Marketing programs. Each of these programs includes comprehensive training through vast hands-on experience. Students will learn the intricacies of their chosen profession as well as the work ethic required to succeed in the workplace.


CTAE Pathway courses are cluster-based courses scheduled during the academic cycle to meet the needs of Strands 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 of the Vocational Technical Education Frameworks under Chapter 74 Regulations (CMR 603).

Services Leadership I – Grade 11 Pathway

Course # pcs301 | Credits: 4
This full-year, introductory business course provides students with an overview and understanding of core leadership themes that are necessary for students in the various Services Cluster CTAE areas of Automotive Collision Repair & Refinishing, Automotive Technology, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts & Hospitality, and Design & Media Communications.  Quarterly topics will include Business Ethics Through the Lens of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Business Etiquette; Leadership Skills and Styles; and, Collaboration and Creative Problem Solving.  Students will learn through a balanced approach of theory and application with attention to the knowledge and skills necessary for success in any service-related profession.

Services Leadership II – Grade 12 Pathway 

Course # pcs401 | Credits: 4
This full-year course explores trends in corporate social responsibility and the impact on employees and customers.  The core vision that inspires a good corporate citizen is that of being guided by strong moral and ethical standards in interactions with customers, shareholders, and employees.  Key topics will examine responsible business practices; environmental impact of business operations; and carefully balancing the company needs with those of the community.  Students will work collaboratively to develop a capstone project involving a community impact event that encompasses all their pathway learning and culminates in a school-wide community service project.

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