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Construction Cluster


About This Program

Plumbing is a licensed trade that requires not only specific technical knowledge and skill, but also a thorough understanding of the Massachusetts State Plumbing and Fuel Gas Code as well as a general understanding of the construction trades. Graduates will be working across the building and construction industry and, therefore, need to understand the relationship of plumbing to the wider arena of construction trades such as electrical, carpentry, masonry and HVAC. Students learn water supply and distribution, sanitary waste and venting, natural gas supply and distribution, pipe fitting, as well as fixture and appliance installation. Students learn the installation, operation and maintenance of hydronic heating systems, how to read blueprints, and how to estimate and propose plumbing projects. See below for full course descriptions.

Career Paths

  • Apprentice Plumber Union\Open Shop
  • Licensed Journeyman Plumber
  • Licensed Gas Fitter
  • Licensed Master Plumber
  • Self Employed Plumbing Contractor
  • Plumbing Tool and Supply Sales

Industry Partnerships

  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Bartlett and Steadman Plumbing and Heating
  • BILO Plumbing & Heating
  • Cranney Companies
  • SkillsUSA


  • OSHA 10 Hour Construction
  • Apprenticeship Program: 1700 Apprenticeship hours & 330 Theory hours toward Journeyman License

Advisory Committee Members

  • Jeff Beane, Breen & Sullivan Mechanical Services
  • Brian Bilo, Bilo Plumbing & Heating
  • Jamie Jalbert, Jalbert Plumbing
  • Rob McGlauphlin, Mcglauphlin Plumbing & Heating
  • Richard Steadman, Bartlett & Steadman

Meet the Plumbing Teachers

Stephen Calzini

Mr. Stephen Calzini

Plumbing Teacher

Mr. Allen Swope

Plumbing Teacher

Plumbing Course Descriptions

Course NumberNameCreditGrade Level
pl101Plumbing Exploratory 91.0Grade 9
pl103Plumbing 910.0Grade 9
pl200Plumbing 1016.0Grade 10
pl201Plumbing Theory 104.0Grade 10
pl300Plumbing 1120.0Grade 11
pl301Plumbing Theory 114.0Grade 11
pl305Plumbing Cooperative Education 1112.0Grade 11
pcn301CTE Pathway: STEM for Construction2.0Grade 11
pcn302CTE Pathway: Understanding Specifications & Blueprints2.0Grade 11
pl400Plumbing 1220.0Grade 12
pl401Plumbing Theory 124.0Grade 12
pl405Plumbing Cooperative Education 1224.0Grade 12
pcn401CTE Pathway: Construction Management2.0Grade 12
pcn402CTE Pathway: Renewable Energy in Construction2.0Grade 12

Plumbing students can earn up to 330 total Theory hours (Tiers 1, 2, and 3) and 1700 workshop hours toward their plumbing apprenticeship.

Plumbing Exploratory 9 

Course # pl101 | Credit: 1
This five-day cycle exploratory course introduces grade 9 students to the basic knowledge and skills used in the plumbing field today. Students receive instruction on personal safety and career program safety along with basic skills in cutting, joining, hanging, and testing all major plumbing pipes and fittings. All tools and materials will be provided. Students receive instruction in personal and career program safety. 

Plumbing 9 

Course # pl03 | Credits: 10
This semester-based course introduces students to basic orientation in career opportunities, program procedures, tool identification, and hand tool safety. Students receive instruction in understanding a ruler/tape measure. Procedures on how to measure, cut and prepare steel, copper, and cast iron piping with various fittings and joining methods. 

Plumbing 10 

Course # pl200 | Credits: 16
This full-year course provides students with hands-on experience working with the four major materials in today’s plumbing industry. Students make frames from project sheets, learn to cut and join pipe and fittings to get these projects graded. This work also involves hanging and testing pipes. 

Plumbing Theory 10

Course # pl201 | Credits: 4
This full-year, classroom-based course will introduce students to plumbing theory continuing within the Tier I curriculum on related plumbing tasks, including water heaters, hot and cold water distribution systems, basic drainage waste and vent systems, residential blueprint reading, and valve characteristics. Reading, writing, and math assignments related to the plumbing professions are integrated with academic frameworks during this class. 

Plumbing 11 

Course # pl300 | Credits: 20
This full-year course provides students with completion of their Plumbing Tier 1 Apprentice training.Students receive instruction according to the Massachusetts Plumbing Code, including safety, installation practices, tools and joining methods, fixture installations, gas piping, drain-waste-vent and water distribution systems. All aspects of the trade are studied with particular emphasis on employability skills. 

Plumbing 11 Theory 

Course # pl301 | Credits: 4
This full-year, classroom-based course will introduce students to the Massachusetts State Plumbing and Fuel Gas Code. Plumbing codes will be reinforced throughout the year in order to prepare for Tier 2, as set by the Massachusetts State Plumbing Board. Students must be able to identify vents, drains and water pipes, as well as construction symbols associated with related trades. The student will learn to recognize by sight the different types of fittings, hangers and pipes and will be introduced to related Mathematics and Physics. 

Plumbing Cooperative Education 11 

Course # pl305 | Credits: 12
This semester-based course provides qualified students with a career technical employment opportunity. The program is designed to allow students on-the-job training by involving them in work that is directly related to their technical area of study. Cooperating employers provide additional training, pays students, and reports their performance to the school for every cycle. Please note that juniors are eligible for Cooperative Education during third and fourth quarters only.  

Plumbing 12  

Course # pl400  | Credits: 20
This full-year course provides students with completion of their Plumbing Tier 2 Apprentice training.Students focus on an in-depth review of previous instruction. The goal is to strengthen student knowledge in preparation for involvement in the cooperative educational program. In addition, students are involved in school facility maintenance work and off campus projects.

Plumbing Theory 12 

Course # pl401 | Credits: 4
This full-year, classroom-based course will deepen student understanding of the Massachusetts State Plumbing and Fuel Gas Code through applied mathematics, physics, and plumbing theory. Students will also learn the installation, operation, and maintenance of hydronic heating systems, blueprint reading, and how to estimate and propose plumbing projects. Theory hours will count toward students needing 330 classroom instruction hours toward their Journeyman Plumbing License. 

Plumbing Cooperative Education 12 

Course # pl405 | Credits: 24
This full-year course provides qualified students with a career technical employment opportunity. The program is designed to allow students on-the-job training by involving them in work that is directly related to their technical area of study. Cooperating employers provide additional training, pays students, and reports their performance to the school for every cycle.