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Science Core

Science Core Course Descriptions

Biology I – Grade 9

Course #: 3102, 3100 | Level: Honors, CP | Credits: 4
This course introduces students to a two-year sequence in the study of biological sciences and the specific terminology and methodology relating to the basic concepts of life and its processes. It begins with a short, standards-based, introductory unit: Scientific Skills and Metrics that will be used to review and enhance student understanding of scientific investigation.  The remaining learning standards for Biology I provide the foundation for the following three units: Chemistry of Life; Cell Biology; DNA and Genetics and are based on the Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Framework. (ACP level discontinued effective SY 22-23).

Biology II – Grade 10 

Course #: 3202, 3201, 3200 | Level: Honors, ACP, CP | Credits: 4
This course completes the second year of the two-year sequence in the study of biological sciences and the specific terminology and methodology relating to the basic concepts of life and its processes. Learning standards for Biology II serve as the foundation for the following three units: Ecology; Evolution and Biodiversity; Anatomy and Physiology and are based on the Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Framework. (ACP level discontinued effective SY 23-24).

Advanced Placement Biology – Grade 10 

Course #: 3203 | Level: AP | Credits: 8
A.P. Biology is an introductory college-level course. Students cultivate their understanding of biology through inquiry-based investigations as they explore the following topics: evolution, cellular processes-energy and communication, genetics, information transfer, ecology, and interactions. Students are expected to take the College Board A.P. Biology Exam in May.  College credit may be applied with a score of three or higher on the College Board exam.

Chemistry – Grade 11

Course #: 3302, 3301, 3300 | Level: Honors, ACP, CP | Credits: 4
This course is designed to teach students the concepts of composition, structure and properties of substances and the changes they will undergo. Topics will include the classification of matter, atomic structure, periodic table and chemical formulas, chemical reactions and gas laws. Students will utilize qualitative as well as quantitative approaches to predict outcomes and identify unknowns. Use of a scientific calculator is required. Strong math skills are recommended for the Honors Level.

Physics – Grade 11 

Course #: 3312, 3311, 3310 | Level: Honors, ACP, CP | Credits: 4
This Physics course will introduce key concepts of the physical world including motion, energy, and electromagnetism. Hands on labs will reinforce these concepts. Measurement and problem solving including graphing and critical thinking will be introduced. Technology will be used to analyze data collected in lab activities. Use of a scientific calculator is required. Strong math skills are recommended for the Honors Level

STEAM Integration H – Grade 11

Course #: 9300 | Level: H  Credits: 8
STEAM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Arts-Mathematics) Integration is full year, double-block course that offers an interdisciplinary, standard-based mathematics and lab-based physics pathway for students who are interested in learning Algebra II through applied integration learning projects with embedded mathematical and physics content and skills. The intention of this course is for students to do highly engaging projects that deepen and extend the connections between the fundamental concepts of algebra, trigonometry, and analytic geometry connected to physics concepts of motion, energy, and electromagnetism. Content learning standards from both the Massachusetts Mathematics Curriculum Framework (2017) and the Massachusetts Science and Technology Engineering Curriculum Framework (2016) provide a foundation for allowing students to experience these standards in real-world problem learning situations.  Students will collaborate for two back-to-back blocks with two teachers, one a mathematics teacher and the other a physics teacher to build integration learning projects using problem-solving strategies, questioning, investigating, analyzing critically, gathering and constructing evidence, and communicating rigorous arguments to justify their thinking.  Co-teachers will serve as coaches to student-designed integration projects.  This course satisfies the requirements for an Algebra II and a lab-based Physics course as stipulated in MassCore. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Algebra 1 and Geometry; Enrollment in the Construction Cluster (Carpentry, Construction Craft Laborer, Electricity, HVAC-R, Masonry, Plumbing),  Engineering & Automation Technology, or Advanced Manufacturing.

Chemistry – Grade 12 

Course #: 3402, 3401, 3400 | Level: Honors, ACP, CP | Credits: 4
This course is designed to teach students the concepts of composition, structure and properties of substances and the changes they will undergo. Topics will include the classification of matter, atomic structure, periodic table and chemical formulas, chemical reactions and gas laws. Students will utilize qualitative as well as quantitative approaches to predict outcomes and identify unknowns. Use of a scientific calculator is required. Strong math skills are recommended for the Honors Level.

Physics – Grade 12

Course #: 3412, 3411, 3410 | Level: Honors, ACP, CP | Credits: 4
This Physics course will introduce key concepts of the physical world including motion, energy, and electromagnetism. Hands on labs will reinforce these concepts. Measurement and problem solving including graphing and critical thinking will be introduced. Technology will be used to analyze data collected in lab activities. Use of a scientific calculator is required. Strong math skills are recommended for the Honors Level.

Advanced Placement Physics – Grade 12

Course #: 3413 | Level: AP | Credits: 4  
A.P. Physics 1 is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course that will address the principles of Newtonian mechanics; work, energy, and power: mechanical waves and sound; and introductory, simple circuits. Laboratory-based inquiry learning will develop students’ scientific critical thinking and reasoning skills. There is a mandatory summer assignment. Students are expected to take the College Board A.P. Physics Exam in May. College credit may be applied with a score of three or higher on the College Board exam. (Exam is scored from 1 – 5).

STEAM Integration II – Grade 12

Course #: 9400 | Level: H | Credits: 8
STEAM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Arts-Mathematics) Integration II is full year, double-block course that offers an interdisciplinary, standard-based mathematics and lab-based chemistry pathway for students who are interested in learning Precalculus through applied integration learning projects with embedded mathematical and chemistry content and skills. The intention of this course is for students to do highly engaging projects that deepen and extend the connections between complex numbers, logarithms and exponential functions, the characteristics of polynomial and rational functions, and operations with vectors and the chemistry concepts of periodicity, bonding, and reactivity. Content learning standards from both the Massachusetts Mathematics Curriculum Framework (2017) and the Massachusetts Science and Technology Engineering Curriculum Framework (2016) provide a foundation for allowing students to experience these standards in real-world problem learning situations.  Students will collaborate for two back-to-back blocks with two teachers, one a mathematics teacher and the other a chemistry teacher to build integration learning projects using problem-solving strategies, questioning, investigating, analyzing critically, gathering and constructing evidence, and communicating rigorous arguments to justify their thinking.  Co-teachers will serve as coaches to student-designed integration projects.  This course satisfies the requirements for Pre-calculus and a lab-based Chemistry course as stipulated in MassCore. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Algebra 1, Algebra II and Geometry; MCAS mathematics Competency Determination; and enrollment in the Construction Cluster (Carpentry, Construction Craft Laborer, Electricity, HVAC-R, Masonry, Plumbing),  Engineering & Automation Technology Program, or Advanced Manufacturing Program.

Forensic Science – Grades 12

Course #: 3440 | Level: CP | Credits: 4
This is a lab-based elective designed to give students an in-depth look at the world of forensics. Students will be introduced to the basic application of science to the law. Students will learn how forensic scientists combine today’s technology with the skills of the scientific community in order to help solve crimes. Topics covered include crime scene evaluation, fingerprinting, and DNA analysis as well as the examination of current cases as they relate to these topics. NOTE: Students enrolled in the Health Sciences Cluster are not eligible to enroll in this course as comparable coursework is required for these students as part of their Career Technical program.